couple kissing while lying

Being sober and better sex

We all know about beer goggles, the way alcohol makes other people look more attractive after a few beers.

And we have all heard the idea that alcohol can help us relax and have a better time in the bedroom.

But is it really true?

While alcohol does lower inhibitions and can make us feel more relaxed, it can also lead to worse sex, to put it bluntly.

Improved physical sensations

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means it can numb our senses and dull our physical sensations. We feel less, both emotionally and physically.

While this might create a feeling of relaxation, it makes it harder to fully experience pleasure, simply because we’re missing much of what’s going on. When we’re sober, we’re more in tune with our physical and emotional sensations, leading to more intense and satisfying sex.

Greater emotional connection

Alcohol affects our emotional state and stability in the long term, making us more prone to mood swings and misunderstandings, as anybody who has ever woken up with a hangover will be able to attest to.

Sober, we’re better able to connect with our partners on an emotional level, leading to a deeper sense of intimacy and connection.

Better communication

Alcohol can impair our judgment and decision-making abilities, making it harder to communicate openly and honestly with partners. Sober, we’re better able to express our desires and boundaries, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experience for all.

Avoiding the Brewer’s Droop

Alcohol can affect the ability to achieve or maintain an erection.

Even moderate drinking can lead to “brewer’s droop,” particularly if the alcohol consumed is high in sugar or other carbohydrates. In the longer term, drinking to excess over a prolonged period of time can lead to more serious problems, such as erectile dysfunction, reduced testosterone levels and decreased libido.

Reduced risk of negative consequences

Alcohol can also increase the risk of unwanted or risky sexual behaviour, such as unprotected sex or infidelity. Sober, we’re able to make more informed and responsible decisions about our sexual activity, reducing the risk of negative consequences.

Better, more intense orgasms

Alcohol can inhibit the ability to reach orgasm in both men and women because it acts as a central nervous system depressant and disrupts the complex physiological and psychological processes that are necessary for an individual to reach orgasm.

Because it slows down the functioning of the brain and the body’s systems, alcohol affects the body’s ability to feel pleasure and decreases sexual arousal.

Additionally, it interferes with the body’s ability to communicate arousal and pleasure to the brain, which can make it more difficult to reach orgasm.

It’s important to note that being sober doesn’t guarantee a perfect sexual experience every time. There are many factors that can affect our sexual pleasure and satisfaction. But by cutting back on alcohol and focusing on clear communication, emotional connection, and physical sensations, we can improve our sexual experiences and create a stronger connection with our partner.

Ready to drink something better?

Ontario and Quebec - buy 3 cases, get free shipping.
Rest of Canada - spend $99, get free shipping
Outside Canada - email [email protected] and we'll work something out!


Ingredients: Water, Sumac Distillate,
Lion’s Mane, Juniper Distillate, Orange Peel
Distillate, Tannins from Grape Skins, Vitamin
B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12


Ingredients: Water, Organic Chaga, Blueberry Distillate,
Spruce Tip Distillate, Tannins from Grape
Seeds, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Magnesium,


Ingredients: Water, Elderberry
Distillate, Reishi, Birch Distillate, Tannins
from Grape Skin, Magnesium, Vitamin B12,
Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B6

Free from sugar, carbs, fake sweeteners or anything artificial.

Contact Us

1110 Elizabeth Street

Box 339

Sharbot Lake, ON

K0H 2P0

[email protected]
